8 Helpful Hints For Composing A School Essay On Water Pollution

Water pollution is an important problem that people all over the world are concerned about. This makes it a good topic for a school essay. If you’re not sure how to organize your work and structure your paper, you may read the useful tips below.

  1. Narrow your topic.
  2. Water pollution is a very broad topic. To make your essay interesting and meaningful, you should pick a narrower subject. For example, you should write about the steps that should be taken to reduce the level of water pollution in the United States.

  3. Conduct your investigation.
  4. To persuade the reader in your arguments, you’ll need factual evidence as a support. You may visit your school library to find decent sources that will provide you with the necessary data or use this service in order to get professional assistance on this matter.

  5. Compose a thesis statement.
  6. You should do this before you start writing the main sections of your essay. A thesis statement is a sentence that determines the main goal of your work. The contents of your paper should be built around this statement.

  7. Make an outline.
  8. Once your thesis is ready, you should plan in advance what your essay should like. Outlining will help you divide your text into separate sections and won’t let you forget to mention important details and facts.

  9. Write the introduction.
  10. Start your essay with a fact that will draw the attention of your readers to the problem of water pollution. Then, you should give a brief description of your topic and state the purpose of your essay in your thesis.

  11. Write the body.
  12. Body paragraphs should contain arguments that support your thesis. Each paragraph should start with a clear topic sentence that presents an argument. Then, you should provide evidence for this argument and interpret it if necessary. Finish the paragraph by explaining how the argument relates to your thesis and make a smooth transition to the next paragraph or section.

  13. Write the conclusion.
  14. Here, you should restate all your arguments and repeat your thesis. However, you shouldn’t copy your thesis from the introduction but rather rewrite it based on the data that was presented in the body paragraphs. Indicate the significance of your contribution to solving the problem of water pollution.

  15. Edit your essay.
  16. When your entire paper is written, you should look through it a few times. Make sure to find all the mistakes that you’ve made during the writing process and eliminate them.